Biology 11 in a Nutshell
During this semester, I have learned a ton of things in Biology from Interesting plants, to amazing animals, and even fascinating micro-organisms. So here are some of examples of my most interesting posts in Biology so far.
Organism named after a Celebrity
From doing this blog, I learned that mushrooms are actually more absorbent than i thought. Well not all mushrooms, just this particular one, which is why it was named after the Legendary Spongebob Squarepants. The most interesting thing I learned from this post is that you can actually wring out this mushroom just like an actual sponge because this mushroom has special spores that can absorb moisture from the air!
This post is truly fascinating! This post talks about how the Axoltol has special cells which allow the Axoltol to regrow their limbs after they have been damaged or been removed. As soon as scientists figure out what give Axoltols this amazing ability, I'm sure they will try to pass this trait onto humans.
After reading about this plant, I knew that I wanted to dedicate a whole post giving the details on this plant. Here is a detailed summary about it. When this special plant senses a change in pressure (such as movement) the vacuoles in the leaf lose water making the plant to appear "dead". In my opinion, I think this is very useful in the wild because I never heard of an organism that likes to eat dead plants or plants that even look dead.
From this post, you will learn all about the cnidarians and their way of living from feeding, digestion, and all the way to their excretion. A fun fact about Cnidarians are that they have Stinging cells that enable them to stun their prey making it easier to consume food. Examples of Cnidarians are Anemones and Jellyfish.
The Anthropod that I selected for this post is the one and only Mantis Shrimp. This awesome organism is like an underwater ninja! They can strike animals with strength faster than a gun, they can boil water just by striking animals, and they have special eyes that have 16 color-receptive cones while humans only have 3! And if you think all of this is cool, well I was just getting started! Click on the link below to all the details!
Out of all the blogs I have completed, I'd say the post about the Mantis Shrimp is my number favourite post! Not only because it was fun to make, it is also JAM-PACKED with INFORMATION! You might be thinking, how is this related the Evolution and Natural Selection? Well instead of writing it all out again just click on the link above and read the second paragraph. This will show you have the Awesome Mantis Shrimp has evolved to become very successful in the Tropical Waters.
Another great post. Love it.